De ervaring van Kunst begrijpen 2024
The experience of understanding Art

During my residency in Langerak, I used materials collected from the area to create a work that reflects on the landscape and the people who visit. Aswell as a sculpture for outside, a site specific work, publication and a performance by Flo van dam was created in this period.

Publication: "The Experience of Understanding Art"

This publication emerged from a series of conversations with Flo van Dam and Claudia van Rooij. Visitors to the Haute Cultuurhuis are not always familiar with art and often hold assumptions or misunderstandings about what art "should" be. The conversations served as a foundation to explore these perceptions.

For those interested, the publication is available as a PDF:

Thanks to Claudia van Rooij and Flo van Dam, we were able to create a series of works and a collaborative piece at the Haute Cultuurhuis in Langerak.

Video still of performance 
“Kunst hangt aan een spijker” , 2024
Flo van Dam

Installation view Haute Cultuurhuis,